Some of the people and things that have influenced my thinking over the years.
Shirzad Chamin Positive Intelligence
Brahma Kumaris
Raja Yoga Meditation -
Inspired Poem “Thank you for helping me find my Light”
Tara Brach
Radical compassion
My poem rise like a Phoenix encapsulated Tara Brach R.A.I.N Acronym
Nancy Kline
So much great stuff to say, enlightening and makes sense to me
Barefoot Coaching
My training with rich and well delivered
NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming
Louise Hay
Her books “You Can Heal Your Life” and “Loving What is”
Super Brain
This book blew my mind, and filled me with more awe, wonder and curiosity, it also inspired my poem Personal Power
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself
Book by Dr Joe Dispenza
The Power of Now
Emotional Intelligence:
Why it can matter more than IQ
Book by Daniel Goleman
John O Donohue
Poet and Philosopher
Calm App
Headspace App